Boost Your Health with Metabolic Flexibility

Our bodies have an amazing ability to switch between using carbs and fat for energy, known as “metabolic flexibility.” It’s like a hybrid car that uses both gasoline and electricity. Understanding and optimizing this can improve your health and fitness.


What is Metabolic Flexibility?

Metabolic flexibility is the body’s ability to change its metabolism in response to exercise or fuel availability. When the body can easily switch between burning carbohydrates and fats, you will have better energy and endurance. Our bodies prefer using carbohydrates for energy because they’re easy to convert into fuel. When carbs are available, our bodies use them for energy and store any extra as fat. But when we run out of carbs, our bodies switch to burning fat. This is a longer process, but it's how we get energy when carbs aren’t available. This ability to switch fuels helps our bodies stay energized.

How Do You Improve Metabolic Flexibility?

  1. Intermittent Fasting: Intermittent fasting is a great way to improve metabolic flexibility. By not eating for certain periods, we force our bodies to burn fat for energy. This trains our bodies to use fat more efficiently.

  2. Keto Bursts: Short bursts of a ketogenic diet can also help. By eating fewer than 25 grams of carbs per day, we push our bodies to use fat for energy. This helps improve our ability to burn fat.

  3. Exercise: Regular exercise can help your body burn fat and improve metabolic flexibility.

  4. Diet: It is important to eat a balanced meal with real, whole foods and to avoid excess carbohydrates and processed foods. This way, your body learns to oxidize fat more efficiently.

Why Should I Care?

Intermittent fasting, keto bursts, exercise, and diet all make our bodies better at switching between carbs and fat for energy. This improves our overall health and fitness. By practicing these strategies, we can teach our bodies to easily switch between using carbs and fat. Improving metabolic flexibility is a key step to better wellness. By understanding and optimizing how our bodies use energy, we can achieve better health and fitness. Remember, everyone is different. It’s important to try these strategies carefully and ideally with advice from a healthcare professional.

Can Core Aesthetic Help Me?

Ready to enhance your metabolic flexibility and achieve better health and fitness? Core Aesthetic offers a weight loss program like no other. Fully equipped with weight loss injectables, like semaglutide and tirzepatide, diet plans that focus on real, whole foods, exercise plans for whatever level you are currently at, body scans and weekly check ins with our weight loss professionals, EvolveX sessions to tighten lose skin, Lipo-Mino injections to enhance weight loss, and more! Our experts are here to help you every step of the way. If you are ready to start your weight loss journey today, download the Core app to become a member, or book a weight loss consultation to learn more about our program!


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