Why Can’t I Lose Weight? Part 2

Despite unwavering dedication to a healthy lifestyle with changes to diet and exercise, you may still find stagnant or no weight loss. Adhering to a nutritious diet and maintaining an active routine, yet witnessing no shift in the scale’s digits is a common issue. Let’s explore the potential factors at play.

Micronutrient Deficiency

A micronutrient deficiency can stall weight loss due to several reasons:

  • Metabolic Function: Think of micronutrients like tiny helpers that keep your body’s engine running. B-vitamins help turn the food you eat into energy, and minerals like zinc and magnesium make sure your body’s sugar handling is on point. If you’re not getting enough of these little guys, your body’s engine might run slow, and dropping pounds becomes tougher.

  • Hormonal Regulation: These same nutrients are also like the managers of your body’s hormone department. For example, not enough vitamin D can mess with your body’s ability to handle sugar and store fat properly. And if you’re short on iodine and selenium, your thyroid—which is like the boss of your metabolism—might not work right. This can make your body hold onto weight instead of losing it.

  • Appetite Control: Some tiny nutrients help you feel full and stop you from munching all the time. Like, eating enough fiber, which you find in veggies and fruits, can help you feel stuffed and eat less. But if you’re not getting enough of certain nutrients, your body might get all confused and make you feel super hungry, which can lead to snacking more than you need.

  • Nutrient Absorption: These small nutrients are also key players in how your body uses the big nutrients like carbs, fats, and proteins. Take vitamin B12, for example; it’s like a helper that makes sure your body takes in all the good stuff from fats and proteins. If you’re short on these helpers, your body might not get all the nutrients it needs, and that could make losing weight a bit of a challenge.

In simpler terms, if you’re not getting enough vitamins and minerals, eating a healthy diet or taking extra nutrients can help your body work better. This can make it easier to manage your weight and feel good overall. If you want to learn more or get tested for missing nutrients, you can have a chat with us at Core Aesthetic.


A hormonal imbalance can stall weight loss in both men and women due to several reasons:

  • Metabolism: Hormones help your body burn calories. If they’re not balanced, your body burns fewer calories, and it’s harder to lose weight.

  • Fat Storage: They decide where your body keeps fat. Wrong hormone levels can make you store more fat around your stomach.

  • Hunger: Hormones tell you when you’re hungry or full. If they’re out of whack, you might feel hungrier and eat too much, which can stop you from losing weight.

  • Energy and Exercise: They affect how much energy you have and how well you can work out. Too much stress can make you feel tired and less likely to exercise.

  • Water Weight: Hormone changes can make your body hold water, which can make it seem like you’re not losing weight.

To deal with these issues, you might need to change your habits, eat differently, handle stress better, or get medical treatment. Getting your hormones in check can help you lose weight more easily. If you want to talk about testing your hormones, call Core Aesthetic.

Food Sensitivities

Food sensitivities can stall weight loss for several reasons:

  • Inflammation: When you’re sensitive to certain foods, your body reacts and can get a little swollen inside. This swelling can mess with how your body uses food for energy and can make losing weight harder.

  • Water Weight: These reactions can also make your body hold onto water, which can make you feel puffy and can hide any weight loss when you step on the scale.

  • Nutrient Problems: If food sensitivities hurt your gut, you might not get all the good stuff from your food. This means your body might not get the energy it needs, and you could find it hard to lose weight.

  • Cravings: Being sensitive to certain foods can make you crave them more, leading to eating too much, which can get in the way of losing weight.

  • Hormone Issues: The swelling from food sensitivities can throw off your hormones, which can make you hungrier and mess with your metabolism, making it tough to shed pounds.

Finding out which foods cause problems and not eating them can help with these issues and support your weight loss. It can reduce swelling, help your body get nutrients better, and balance your hormones, making it easier to reach your health goals. If you’re interested in testing for food sensitivities, you can learn more by reaching out.

Core Aesthetic Weight Loss Program

Core Aesthetic is now offering the nationally acclaimed weight loss program, as seen on ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News, and more. Read more about our weight loss program & all that is has to offer. The membership includes: weight loss injectables—semaglutide or tirzepatide—, meal plans, exercise plans, body scans, weekly check ins, Lipo-Mino injections, and EvolveX sessions. Download the Core app and sign up for one of our two weight loss memberships. Don’t wait; join the membership now for an all-inclusive weight loss program for only $16 a day!


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