Unveil flawless, carefree skin

Diolaze Laser Hair Removal is your solution to smooth skin, eliminating unwanted hair for lasting silkiness and boosted self-assurance.

Ideal for those seeking a long-term, non-invasive method to maintain smooth, hair-free skin across various body areas, Diolaze stands out for its ability to target and remove hair at the root! With Diolaze, enjoy benefits of smooth skin without the hassle of regular shaving or waxing, alongside minimal discomfort and downtime.

Diolaze: the basics

  • Diolaze Laser Hair Removal uses advanced diode laser technology to target and destroy hair follicles. This prevents future hair growth without harming the surrounding skin. The laser emits a concentrated beam of light that is absorbed by pigment in the hair follicles, generating heat that damages the follicle to inhibit hair growth.

    Diolaze's built-in cooling mechanism ensures a comfortable experience by maintaining the skin's surface at a soothing temperature during your treatment.

  • The precision of the diode laser minimizes the risk of skin irritation and side effects.

    Treatments are customized to each individual's skin and hair type, ensuring a safe and personalized treatment experience. Following the recommended aftercare instructions further enhances the safety and efficacy of the procedure.

  • Common treatment areas include the legs, arms, underarms, bikini line, back, chest, shoulders, and face (excluding the area near the eyes).

  • After treatment, you may experience mild redness and swelling around the treated areas, similar to a sunburn sensation, which typically subsides within a few hours to a couple of days. The treated hair will begin to shed over the following weeks.

    Avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen on treated areas to protect the skin and maintain results. Most people are able to resume their daily activities immediately after the procedure.

  • Avoid sun exposure, keep skin moisturized and healthy, and do not remove hair by the root (e.g., waxing or plucking) between treatments. This helps ensure the laser targets the hair follicles effectively.

  • The number of Diolaze Laser Hair Removal sessions recommended ranges from 6-10, depending on the individual's hair type, color, and the area being treated. Some people may require additional sessions for complete hair removal.

    Sessions are spaced four to six weeks apart to align with the hair growth cycle, ensuring each treatment targets new hair growth. Each session duration varies based on the treatment area's size but generally lasts between 15 minutes for small areas and up to an hour for larger areas, making Diolaze a time-efficient option for hair removal.

So how does this work? What is your process?

  • As a first-time client we would have an in-person consultation to go over your treatment plan! We want to make sure that you receive the best treatment possible for your body ☺️

    At that time you can fill out a medical history form for us, and we can talk about what your major concerns are, as well as pointing them out to us so we can be very clear about the best treatment possible for you - we also would be able to start your treatment same day if you would like to start Diolaze.

    Before your Diolaze Laser Hair Removal appointment, it’s important to avoid any form of tanning, including sun exposure, tanning beds, and self-tanners, for at least two weeks. This ensures that the laser can effectively target the melanin in the hair follicles without confusion from tanned skin.

    Also, refrain from waxing, plucking, or electrolysis for at least four weeks before treatment, as these hair removal methods can temporarily remove the root, which is necessary for the laser to target.

  • Preparing for your Diolaze appointment involves shaving the treatment area 24 to 48 hours before your session. This helps the laser light to target the hair follicles directly without burning the hair on the surface of the skin.

    Keep the skin clean and free of lotions, creams, and makeup on the day of your treatment. Lastly, wearing comfortable clothing that provides easy access to the treatment area can also help make your experience smoother.

  • Please allow about 45-90 minutes for your appointment from start to finish. If possible please arrive with no makeup, otherwise a face wash will be provided.

    We will take photos for records of the treatment area; photos for marketing purposes will only be used with your permission.

    During the Diolaze Laser Hair Removal appointment, your technician will apply a cooling gel to the treatment area to help minimize discomfort. You will be provided with safety eyewear to protect your eyes from the laser light. The device will then be passed over the targeted area, emitting light pulses that are absorbed by the hair follicles.

    You may feel a sensation of heat and a slight sting, similar to the snap of a rubber band against the skin. Treatment times vary depending on the area being treated but typically last between 15 minutes to an hour.

  • Diolaze Laser Hair Removal is designed to be as comfortable as possible, with most patients experiencing minimal pain. The sensation is often described as a quick, sharp sting or the feeling of a rubber band snapping against the skin, which is generally well-tolerated. The integrated cooling mechanism of the Diolaze system also helps soothe the skin during treatment, reducing discomfort. Pain tolerance varies among individuals, but the procedure is quick and any discomfort is temporary.

  • Following your Diolaze treatment, you may notice some redness and swelling in the treated area, akin to mild sunburn. These symptoms are normal and should subside within a few hours to a couple of days. The treated hair will begin to fall out over the next week or two.

    It's crucial to protect the skin from sun exposure by applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily, as the skin will be more sensitive to UV rays. Most patients can immediately return to their normal activities, although it’s recommended to avoid heavy sweating, hot showers, and swimming in chlorinated pools for the first 24 hours to allow the skin to recover.

Not convinced yet?

Here are some benefits of Diolaze…

Reduced risk of ingrown hairs

Unlike traditional hair removal methods such as shaving or waxing, Diolaze significantly reduces the occurrence of ingrown hairs. This leads to smoother skin and eliminates the discomfort and unsightly appearance associated with ingrown hairs.

Suitable for various hair types

Diolaze's versatility in treating a wide range of hair types and colors, including darker and coarser hairs, makes it an inclusive option for laser hair removal. This adaptability ensures that a broader demographic can achieve their desired outcomes with Diolaze.

Precise and targeted

Diolaze Laser Hair Removal stands out for its precision in targeting hair follicles directly, minimizing damage to the surrounding skin. This accuracy ensures effective hair removal, even in areas with dense growth, making it a reliable option for achieving smoother skin.

Long-lasting results

One of the most compelling advantages of Diolaze is the longevity of its results. By effectively destroying hair follicles, it provides a long-term solution to unwanted hair, reducing the need for frequent touch-ups and maintenance.

Quick and convenient

The speed of Diolaze treatments is a significant benefit, allowing large areas to be treated in a shorter period. This efficiency means less time spent in the clinic and more time enjoying your results, catering to those with busy schedules seeking effective hair removal solutions.

Minimal discomfort

Engineered with patient comfort in mind, Diolaze incorporates advanced cooling technologies to reduce discomfort during treatment. This approach makes the hair removal process more tolerable, ensuring a more pleasant experience from start to finish.

Enhanced skin texture

In addition to removing unwanted hair, Diolaze treatment can lead to an improvement in overall skin texture. The process encourages a more uniform skin surface, contributing to a smoother and more refined appearance, enhancing the skin's natural beauty.

Treat now, pay over time with Affirm!

Treat now, pay over time with Affirm! ⋆

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About hair loss treatment & the latest in laser hair removal!